
Tangram Interiors Represented in 12 Projects Nominated for Calibre Awards To Be Presented by International Interior Design Association SoCal Chapter

Tangram Interiors Represented in 12 Projects Nominated for Calibre Awards To Be Presented by International Interior Design Association SoCal Chapter

Tangram Interiors, a curator of highly creative commercial interior environments and workspaces, was a key member of the team on 12 major projects nominated in the 2018 Calibre Design Awards presented by the International Interior Design Association’s Southern California chapter.

Tough act to follow

Tough act to follow

Delegate numbers at the conference were clearly down on previous years, largely because of uncertainty about whether it could go ahead during a key booking period. And, while Houston seems a perfectly nice city, it isn’t as attractive a venue as last year’s, San Diego, while the physical evidence of the floods can be seen in huge piles of sandy sludge, dredged from the local bayous after the flooding, which cover the parks and river banks of the city.