WATCH: How the Cubicle Became Universally Hated

WATCH: How the Cubicle Became Universally Hated

The home office has become a sanctuary for productivity as many people continue to work from the place where they live, but with COVID vaccinations ramping up and industries eyeing a return to normalcy, our once standard view of offices could revert back to a phase that peaked in the 1980s and 90s.

Future Proofing Commercial Real Estate Assets Post COVID-19

Future Proofing Commercial Real Estate Assets Post COVID-19

Landlords are eager to fill empty spaces with paying tenants, and corporations and employees are weary of 100 percent remote working that can negatively impact workplace culture, productivity, and spontaneous creativity. Because we understand that remote work is feasible and the in-person office work is valuable, the hybrid model is here to stay.