Netflix’s Former Top Recruiter on the Workplace of the Future

RIGHT NOW, THANKS TO SOCIAL MEDIA, we have a connection with customers that we’ve never had before—instant feedback on how a company is doing. As a result, you’re going to see a tighter connection between what people do and who they serve. We’re not going to have silo departments within a company that operate on their own and never see the outside world. And we need to educate our employees accordingly by teaching them how the entire business works and how they fit into the machine. I’d rather have employees spend one hour learning how a company makes its money than sit through a yearlong course on conflict management. Knowing how a business works will help employees understand why decisions are made, and that goes a long way toward improving performance. Corporate jargon does nothing but slow us down, and it’s the exact opposite of the transparency and openness we’re going to see more of in the future.

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