Employers ignore fact that flexibility has eclipsed traditional office life

A significant proportion of businesses are still not giving their employees the support they need to effectively work remotely and flexibly, despite the fact that 72 percent of UK office worker believe the traditional fixed workplace is no longer relevant. For the vast majority the traditional nine-to-five is already a thing of the past, with nearly two thirds (62 percent) of people already working remotely at least one day per week. On average UK workers spend 2.5 days, half of their week, working remotely. The findings revealed in ‘The End of Nine-to-Five’ report commissioned by TeamViewer highlights that, despite the increased demands and expectations of employees, nearly 2 in 5 (37 percent) UK office workers said that their company’s IT department do not encourage remote working and do not make it easy. This figure went up as the size of the organisation increased, rising to 44 percent for companies with over 500 employees.

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