Is Health the New Carbon?

Our built environment has a profound impact on our health, well-being, happiness and productivity. It can shape our habits and choices, regulate our sleep-wake cycle, drive us toward healthy and unhealthy choices, and passively influence our health through the quality of our surroundings.

Health and wellbeing is described by experts as the next megatrend and is rapidly approaching, if not here already. Figures from the Global Wellness Institute suggest that the global wellness industry is a $3.4 trillion market, with latest research indicating that for every $1 spent on workplace wellness programmes, cost savings of $6 are generated. New tenants from banks to barbers are putting out RFPs stipulating health and wellbeing as a central requirement.  With 92% of the cost of a company the staff working in it, maximising the health and wellbeing of the workforce – and therefore their productivity, morale, and initiative – is a massive opportunity.

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