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Waste not: Bloomberg proves that one office's trash is a designer's treasure

With each designer responding to the materials' capabilities and potential in different ways, it allows them to help redefine the relationship with waste. Here, Kim Thomé creates the composite material jesmonite from wasted toner ink powder, then fashioning solid geometric seat surfaces. Pictured: Hues, by Kim Thomé

Bloomberg has unveiled its fifth series of ‘Waste Not Want It’, a collection of new works commissioned in association with Arts Co, made almost entirely out of Bloomberg’s waste.

This year, participating designers include Astrid Krogh, Laetitia de Allegri and Matteo Fogale, Kim Thomé, Lara Bohinc, Soft Baroque, Stuart Haygarth and Tom Price, creating nine different installations. The pieces, made from all recycled materials, include lighting, decorative wall panels, seating and meeting areas for daily use by Bloomberg’s London employees.

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