Big Screen Benefits: Why You Need Art at Work

When you go see a movie, you’re going to get an all-consuming, immersive experience. The screen is generally five to eight stories high. The colors are vibrant. The story takes you places. Your brain gets to take a break from the real world and science tells us that’s a good thing.

By giving our brains a break, we improve focus, sharpness and motivation. After all, if art in the theater is important enough to deserve a televised awards gala, why not put more emphasis on it to support creativity in the workplace? Creativity isn’t just for movie stars and screenwriters. We face global issues that require us all to unleash our creative potential to solve problems and generate ideas.

“Creativity is about thinking about things in a different way. You need it whether you’re a programmer or a doctor or an accountant,” says Karen Gelardi, creative services manager for Designtex Surface Imaging. “By having artwork around you, your mind can wander and make new connections. It can be soothing or inspiring. It can lead to a different type of focus.”
