Change by Design: A New Framework for Leading Continuous Change

Courtesy of a global, networked economy, change now happens faster and with less warning or pattern than ever before. Today, change is the new normal. So how do you harness change as a force for improvement and innovation? How do you create an organization where change is part of its DNA?

Workplace change has the power to inspire people to transform organizations, taking them to the next level. Yet the conventional approach to workplace change has concentrated on controlling chaos and handling resistance until things return to normal.

The right work environment is an incredible tool for facilitating change. But it’s not the only change agent. Spaces on their own don’t cause collaboration, teaming, happy collisions, creative thinking and knowledge sharing. At its core, change is a human issue. It’s about emotional, behavioral and cognitive needs. For change to not only meet needs but also create habits, you must look at both space and people. In addition to new space types, technology and amenities, your strategy must consider shifting your culture and behaviors, breaking bad habits, embracing new processes, and leveraging team synergies.
