JLL released today a research report that reveals working attitudes around the world. The research, titled Workplace Powered by Human Experience (HX) could signify a new era for workers and companies across the globe (and long-term opportunities for workspace operators).
““A workplace that is powered by the human experience goes beyond a work-life balance. It drives how people feel about their place of work. How empowered, engaged and fulfilled they are, it’s the purposeful fusion of life and work based on authentic human experiences.” – Dr Marie Puybaraud, Global Head of Research, JLL Corporate Solutions”
Elam was right. It all comes down to us: humans.
Flexible workspace operators have long known that the workplace is more than just a place to work. In fact, in a call interview with Allwork, Dr. Puybaraud said that the workspace-as-a-service industry was one of the first to show this (the human experience in the workplace) shift in operations.
Organizations will need to re-think their workplace strategies and how they utilize their real estate. Some companies are starting to look at flexible workspace operators to help them better manage their portfolios. This is the case between IBM and WeWork. And although this can lead to potentially good, long-term scenarios, Dr. Puybaraud is unsure “whether the industry has full maturity at the moment to fully embrace this type of model (WeWork + IBM).”