The Human Side of Modern Craft

Handcrafted items are experiencing resurgence in popular culture, but many of today's workspaces are void of craft. Inspired by the Maker Movement, Coalesse is redefining modern craft with new materials and methods that artfully disrupt norms and humanize the workplace.

Have you ever given much thought to buttons? If not, take a moment. Chances are, you’re imagining a small, round, clear plastic disc with four perfectly placed holes. It’s utterly utilitarian in its design, and universal in its appearance. But what if a button could be more than just a fastener? Something inherently useful but also beautiful, even provocative. Something imaginative with a story. What if a button were made of carved wood with a seemingly random and yet artfully placed pattern of thread holes? Chances are, it would be the coolest button you’ve ever seen. It would make a statement. You’d want to touch it and feel the texture. You’d want to pull all your old buttons off and sew these new buttons back on, each one with a slightly different stitching pattern between the holes. You’d never look at buttons the same way again. 

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