Meaningful Workplace Decisions Require Accurate Data

If your smartphone gets you within a mile of your destination, is that close enough? If a store delivers the shirt you bought, but in the wrong size, can you wear it? If you order steak and the waiter brings you a burger, will you be satisfied? In life and in business, close isn’t good enough. You can’t make meaningful decisions, if you don’t trust how you’re making them. So, when it comes to an organization’s two most valuable assets, people and real estate, it isn’t surprising to learn that accuracy is paramount.

“We have at our fingertips access to more data than ever before in history, and technologies to exponentially augment our own natural abilities. By embedding technology into the work environment, we are creating the workplace of the future,” says Scott Sadler, Steelcase Smart + Connected manager. “We can measure and identify patterns in how and where people are working. But, data alone is meaningless; to improve performance individuals and organizations need trusted insights into what works, what doesn’t and why.”

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