The rise of hyper-smart workspaces

The evolution of tech is omnipresent in our lives. Sometimes in big ways, sometimes in subtle ways. You could have asked Alexa to turn off your music before reading this post. Or you knew you had the time to browse this webpage because your phone tracks your schedule and will alert you when you need to be somewhere. And if you don’t know where that next somewhere is taking place, your GPS will make sure you get there via the quickest route. Your car may even park itself once you reach your destination.

It’s been slowly sneaking up on us for years, making it hard to remember how we functioned without all this digital assistance. This is especially true in the world of business. Being hyper-connected is our new normal. Charging your devices at night is as essential as putting water beside your bed.   

Tech advancements make our lives easier, more efficient, more productive – and overall, more enjoyable. The desire to increase efficiency in any way possible is what empowers businesses to embrace new gadgets, devices, and processes. So, it comes as no surprise that our physical environments are also shifting to reap the full benefits of new technology on the market. As we get smarter with the help of these tools, our spaces are getting smarter too. And blending technology with our work environments is becoming more and more common.

Whether it’s for the spaces we build for our Clients or our own DIRTT offices, here are some common technology trends for workspaces that are standing out today:

Smart automation

The “smart home” movement continues to gain traction in office spaces. The main reason is that accessibility for these systems has significantly increased over the last little while. A couple of years ago, if you wanted full control over the computers, music, TVs, lights, etc. in your space, you would have to go through the traditional automation system route. This means hard wired cables and AV racks – requiring skilled trades to come in and convert your space. (Insert eye roll.) The cost for this? You’re looking at $20,000 to $200,000+, depending on the scale and complexity. Fast-forward to today, and all of this can be controlled through an app on a mobile device. Off-the-shelf solutions like Harmony Hub let you control your entire space experience with only your voice. And the cost is pennies compared to the other route – an easy $200 for converting your office to smart control. It’s no wonder more and more offices are automating.