Designing People-First Workspaces

If your enterprise is embracing the emerging paradigm shift from a workplace based on vast cubicle farms to a model that’s experience-focused, you’re in good company.

Across the industry spectrum, we’re seeing a move toward human-centric places as enterprises strive to meet rapidly changing expectations by modernizing their work sites to serve the specific ways their people want to work.

Understanding collaboration as multi-dimensional

Designing workplaces that help people do great things have been our guiding principle for decades, so at Herman Miller, we’re excited about the transition to smart digital workplaces. We believe that a purposeful variety of settings, which range from quiet spaces for individualized work to various collaboration areas for interacting with colleagues, in person and from remote locations, is the way forward. 

In our experience, ensuring your smart digital workplace contains the right settings, and not just the right amount of space requires transforming your workplace into an active participant in work experiences. This makes furnishings equally critical to IT infrastructure and smart building systems for designing environments that encourage productive, creative and innovative work.

To understand why let’s take a closer look at the nature of collaboration. Rather than being a single type of experience, our research shows that collaboration occurs across a spectrum of team types. For example, a team tasked with innovation may be working together physically in a conference room, where the exchange of ideas is critical to accomplishing objectives and goals.