Is Your Workplace Working? WDM & Leesman Talk Recap

A sold-out crowd gathered on April 18th at FOX Architects for Work Design Magazine’s latest TALK in partnership with Leesman. The event kicked off with three great presentations, followed by a lively panel discussion around the current research from Herman MillerASID and Leesman, and how it intersects with the reality of managing large workspace portfolios in today’s ever-changing work environment.

Bob Fox, publisher of Work Design Magazine, began the event with a few opening remarks about the inspiration behind the magazine. “Our purpose is predicated on sharing ideas with our peers, to be a platform and forum for interaction, to talk about the issues that are shaping the workplace today. We seek to challenge convention, for people, organizations and the global community.”

Image courtesy of Erin Kelleher Photography

Part 1: The Presentations


Launching the discussion with a sneak preview of the latest research from Herman Miller, Joseph White got the ball rolling with an overview of how we are currently working to understand the total experience of work. Herman Miller’s original ground breaking “Living Office” framework examined the different modes that people can work in and promoted the evolving concepts around how work elements need to be examined and recombined in situations unique to the organizations that are seeking to improve the workplace experience for their employees.

Image courtesy of Erin Kelleher Photography