Confirmed: Ford bought Michigan Central Station

It’s true. Ford Motor Company has bought and will move into Detroit’s Michigan Central Station. The company will announce its plans for the train station on June 19.

Longtime Michigan Central Station owner Matthew Moroun confirmed the deal Monday morning. 

Crain’s got an exclusive statement from Moroun, saying, “The deal is complete. The future of the depot is assured. The next steward of the building is the right one for its future. The depot will become a shiny symbol of Detroit’s progress and its success.”

The nearby book depository was also part of the deal.

It was reported in recent weeks that transfer of ownership of the train station had occured, but the deal was between two law firms, not revealing the actual owners.

“It’s here because we bought it,” Moroun responded when asked if it was worth it to buy the train station so long ago.

We can’t downplay how big this news really is. Michigan Central Station has long been the looming symbol of decline in Detroit. It’s been the backdrop of thousands (if not millions) of photos and videos. Driving down 75 or 96, it can be seen it in the distance, and when lights are on, it ignites hopes that it will see life again.