Adapt Or Bust: Flexibility, Agility Drive Today’s Workplace

With the pace of business accelerating rapidly these days, employers are struggling to keep up with the demands of a changing workforce and the need for flexible workplace strategy.

For those wondering how to navigate and stay ahead of the latest office trends, CBRE has launched a new online resource. Agile Real Estate Knowledge Hub is centered on helping employees, tenants and property owners maximize flexibility, productivity and workplace needs. Chicago-based Agile Real Estate Practice Leader Beth Moore sat down with Bisnow to explain the advantages of agile real estate and the drivers behind today's workplace demands.

Bisnow: What is agility in the workplace?

CBRE Agile Real Estate Practice Leader Beth Moore. Courtesy of CBRE

Moore: We’ll kind of start high-level: why agility, why now, what we’re doing about it and why we framed up our approach specifically around the term 'agility.'

It’s no surprise that the world is changing. We see our clients and business accelerating faster than ever before, and we don’t think things are going to slow down. Given the fact that the business is changing and more dynamic than ever, we also know that the employee expectations around coming into the workplace are different and changing and they really require a more nimble approach to how we’re actually getting work done during the day.

So long are the days where people are coming into work, they’re sitting at their individual desks, they do all their output and they go home. They’re very nimble and dynamic in how they’re coming together, solving a problem, collaborating, then going back to the individual work. We see our clients’ business specifically becoming more agile, and how we’re reacting to it is helping our clients align their business strategy to their real estate strategy.