Uneebo’s Unique Design Service Gives Startup Offices Exactly What They Need

Moving into or upgrading your existing office can be difficult and demanding – especially for start-up companies that need to stay efficient while keeping costs low. Luckily, with Uneebo’s three simple package options, moving into or upgrading your existing office is easier than ever. Each package gives clients the ability to reduce the cost and time associated with the stressful and complex process of moving into your new office space or upgrading your existing one. Their packages range from simple dropship furniture packages right up to a completely custom-designed space.

Uneebo offers custom furniture packages that fall within any client’s budget range and puts the control in the client’s hands with their smart approval and ordering system. Their clients can choose from a range of over 1,000 furniture options or have their dedicated designer do all the hard work.

What is the name of your service?

Uneebo Office Interior Design

How will Uneebo impact workplace design?

We are not a traditional office interior design service. We specialize in startup offices and are becoming experts in designing and furnishing exciting, versatile and unique office spaces. Our impact on workplace design is creating office spaces that are able to flex with growth and cater to unique client needs, all for an affordable and startup-friendly price point.

We are striving to become the leader in office interior design for startups and believe our impact on the industry is creating unique spaces that exude character, charisma, and personality that you just can’t achieve with a traditional service. Being a startup ourselves, we understand our customer needs pretty well and we believe that startups are at the forefront of changing office design as we know it across every industry.

In fact many large, traditional corporations now use startup office designs as a benchmark for how their spaces should look and are investing millions in renovating their existing spaces to look like the kind of place our clients would want to work in (and that we’ve designed) – which is smart as they are losing a lot of their talent to startups.

Today, the office space is much more than just a chair and desk to do your work on. It has become a powerful recruitment tool to attract and retain talent. We believe that our clients’ office space should convey their mission statement and we help make that dream a reality.

Can you explain a bit more about how Uneebo works?

Uneebo offers three office interior design and furnishing packages:

Starter Package:
This is a customizable e-design package for businesses looking for furniture packages that can drop ship to their existing or new office space. The customer just lets us know what products they are looking for and we will send across customizable packages and organize the delivery and assembly. Super easy!

Deluxe Package:
This package includes a dedicated interior design who also acts as your project manager for the project. This is the package for customers looking for the soup-to-nuts design and furnishing to create an awesome looking office space. You’ll work with your designer to create your office’s floorplan, décor style, and furniture selections. They’ll then coordinate the delivery and assembly and be on site for the final décor touches!

Custom Package:
This design package is for those customers wanting to make a statement and create a real Pinterest worthy space and create FOMO! This package includes all the bells and whistles to get heads turning such as personalized branding, kitchen fittings, awesome communal areas and help with any architectural requirements.

Each project eventually becomes somewhat of a hybrid and they are all very much custom to the needs of our client’s budget, but our packages help give some structure around what the customer can expect. Just reach out for any questions here!

Courtesy of Jordan Shields

Does Uneebo contribute to “new ways of working”?

Absolutely! Uneebo uses a range of furniture vendors to equip our client’s office spaces with the highest quality of office furniture products on the market at great price points.

The majority of our clients need height-adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs, sound-proof phone booths and customized branding throughout their space.

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All of these products and services are not something you would find with traditional design service and we are proud to be the most knowledgeable provider and with the relationships with all the best furniture vendors.