Form Us With Love creates modular benches to give people privacy in public spaces

Swedish studio Form Us With Love has designed a modular bench seating system for +Halle, which aims to create privacy in public without using walls or dividers.

The Levels benches come in three heights and three lengths that can be mix-and-matched to create seating for a wide range of indoor shared spaces.

With sitters positioned at varying heights and facing different directions, Form Us With Love (FUWL) said they wanted Levels "to create subtle divisions between people".

"We accept the fact that the ways in which people dwell within a space can be particularly divergent," said FUWL CEO Jonas Petterson. "A lot of the choices for taking respite are informed by the anxiety we all feel in a shared common space."

"The question then is, how might we create a concept that lets people relax within a dynamic convivial space?"