Employees staying seated at their sit-stand desks? Study shows there is a way to get them motivated.

If you are not using your sit-desk, you are not alone. Most sit-stand desk owners know there are benefits to standing, said Michael Cook, LINAK U.S. director for DESKLINE, in a recent LINcast Podcast. The reality is that we're all busy. We're all super immersed in our professional roles and often forget to move or stand throughout the day, even if we have a sit-stand desk. Surprisingly, we hear that only a very low percentage of users actually use their desks, and that's the real challenge.

So, the questions are, can you motivate people to use their electric height-adjustable desks? And, can you help them get the full set of benefits from it increased work efficiency and a better health? The answer in short isyes!

Case study shows motivating effects of sit-stand reminder tools

In a case study initiated by LINAK and conducted by the German Institut fr Gesundheit und Ergonomie (IGR), 40 employees at the software company Diamant Software GmbH participated in testing the effect of sit-stand reminder tools from LINAK. While all participants were familiar with electric sit-stand desks at work, most rarely used them.

What reminder tools for office desks were tested?

To see if reminders could motivate office workers to stand up, the participants were split up into two groups. One half was provided with a sit-stand reminder kit comprising of the buttonless Desk Panel DPG with an integrated light strip reminder, the Desk Control app and the Desk Control software with reminders via a notification on their mobile device or desk PC screen. The other half continued to work with their standard sit-stand work desk without using any reminder tools.

The results - reminders help improve healthy sit-stand habits

The test group provided with the sit-stand reminder kit increased the usage of their sit-stand desk function by 74%. The same test group also reported that they increased their daily standing time at work by 62%.

More facts about sit-stand reminders for office desks

These results align with the results of a previously published whitepaper conducted by the Danish behavioral science agency, KL.7. In its report Making office workers healthier: A public health intervention making office workers use their height-adjustable office desks more, KL.7 found that reminders motivate office workers to obtain a healthier sit-stand behavior.

Download the case studies for free If you want to learn more about the motivating effects of reminders in modern sit-stand desks, you can download the IGR case study and the KL.7 whitepaper on the Tech & Trends site on reminders.

Learn more about LINAK and the complete desk solutions product portfolio at linak.us/intheoffice.