Configura, maker of CET Designer software, announces a redesigned, rebranded and expanded annual conference – CET Experience.
CET Experience will bring together the people who use, create and invest in Configura’s CET platform – designers, dealers, developers, manufacturers, Configura employees and partners – people from around the globe whose goal is to improve how spaces are designed.
Configura is expanding the conference to three full days for increased interaction among attendees. The 12th annual conference is slated for Oct. 16-18 at the JW Marriott in Orlando, Grand Lakes. More than 600 people are anticipated at CET Experience.
“Expect our redesigned conference to be edgy, entertaining and energy-filled,” Configura CEO Johan Lyreborn said. “It’s all about our attendees – giving them a great experience as we work together to advance the CET platform globally.”
A new structure has the event starting with optional workshops on Wednesday of the conference, and main sessions and keynote presentations occurring Thursday and Friday of the conference.
Many workshops, breakout sessions and presentations will be tailored to users’ and developers’ specific needs; general sessions as well as formal and informal opportunities to network will bring together all conference attendees.
“The conference will increase engagement, cross-learning and idea-generating discussions,” Lyreborn said.
Partner meetings at the start and end of the conference will bring together the CET Designer Application and Implementation Partners who have invested in, work on and market CET Designer Extensions.
“Our conference redesign follows the global growth plan for Configura and the CET Designer user, developer and partner community,” Configura Vice President of Global Customer Experience Tracy Lanning said. “We’re broadening our vision of what our solution can do and, with it, the overall Configura experience.”
The conference name change to CET Experience reflects Configura’s expanded vision.
When Configura first launched the annual conference in 2008, the focus was mainly on the users – and the name was the CET Designer User Conference. As the conference grew, Configura also began holding sessions for developers, and the event morphedinto a “meeting of the minds” where the creators and the users could connect, listen and learn from each other, and mutually improve the solution – Configura renamed the conference the CET Designer User and Developer Conference in 2016.
“Our new conference name – CET Experience – is shorter, edgier and more memorable. It’s more inclusive and encompasses the total experience,” Lanning said.
Configura has launched a new logo for the conference that reflects these attributes.
In redesigning the event, Configura researched other technology companies’ conference experiences, including those of Adobe, Apple and Google, and sought feedback from past conference attendees.
“I’m looking forward to the new format,” said Dematic DevOps Manager Christopher Fleck. “I like the idea of having developers and users from various industries mingling and talking with each other. To me, that provides a perfect environment for generating new ideas while still catering to the needs of the individuals.”
Keynote speakers, other conference details announced.
The keynote speakers for CET Experience are John Coyle and Paul Anderson.
John Coyle
Coyle is one of the world’s leading experts in design thinking as well as an Olympic silver medalist, Stanford “” graduate, NBC sports analyst and a professor of innovation. He’s also the founder of The Art of Really Living and the author of The Art of Really Living Manifesto: Reversing the Acceleration of Time.
Paul Anderson
Coyle has been applying design thinking to companies, careers, lives and leadership challenges for more than 20 years. As a speaker and author, his talent is weaving facts, examples and intellectual principles into engaging stories. His key message: The best way to unlock human potential and drive growth is to design lives, careers and teams maximizing strengths rather than fixing weaknesses.
Anderson, vice president of wellbeing and development at OFS, will speak on the WELL Building Standard™ and its influence on design. At OFS, Anderson leads strategic product-development and programming initiatives that reinforce health and wellbeing in the built environment. Anderson earned the WELL AP™ (Accredited Professional) credential through the International WELL Building Institute™ and is also a member of the WELL Faculty, placing him among a group of leading professionals who are dedicated to supporting human health and wellbeing in the built environment. Anderson has authored two award-winning books, The Sales Pro and D.R.E.A.M. A professional speaker, he’s also a Certified Go-Giver Speaker and Coach.
Configura will announce the full presentation lineup, list of workshops and conference-related social and networking events on August 19.
By design, many conference sessions will be peer-led. CET Designer users, developers and partners who are interested in presenting at the conference are encouraged to submit proposals to by June 28. All peer presenters will receive free registration to the conference.
Registration for CET Experience starts June 10, with discounted pricing for the first 50 registrants. The conference has sold out in the past and people are encouraged to register early. Sponsorship opportunities also are available. Attendees and sponsors can learn more at