Dauphin Offers Additional CEU Webinars

Since March 25th, Dauphin has hosted close to 700 design professionals during six CEU sessions. Approximately 300 of these learners have received IDCEC or AIA credits and many more have received certificates that can be used to attain credits with other professional organizations, renewals with state licensing boards or education hours required by their firms.

Design professionals who have not been able to attend one or both courses can now take advantage of sessions scheduled later in the afternoon. On April 22nd and 29th, in “Addressing Workplace Distractions,” host Matthew Negron will cover common workplace distractions and how to overcome them with some insight on home office challenges. On April 24th and May 1st, Dauphin President, Gary Chin will host "Dynamic Spaces in the Contemporary Workspace”, showing how trends in corporate priorities are changing our work environment.

Usually reserved for in-person lunch and learns, Dauphin is offering its CEUs via webinar as a way for design professionals to earn continuing education credits while following the COVID-19 crisis work-from-home mandate.

Dauphin has received positive feedback from the attendees, many grateful for the opportunity to earn the much-needed credits and some happy just to hear other voices during isolation. Many designers found the content insightful and informative and some reviews reported that the CEUs were one of the best they had attended. One Tennessee designer wrote, “An excellent presentation…very much in line with my experiences working in the open office.”

To register for a course or learn more, visit: https://www.dauphin.com/events