Proto from Hightower: soft, personal seating is “a safe corner in a landscape of uncertainty”

Proto from Hightower is a series of personal, soft seating options

Proto Chairs and Sofa from Hightower

Hightower upholstery of Proto includes expertly detailed seams

The Proto collection from Hightower is a new group of soft seating options aimed at providing cozy, personalized environments, much like residential comfort pieces, for hospitality settings, places of work, or any public space. A 2020 HiP award winner for “Best Hospitality Lounge” by Interior Design Magazine, Proto Chairs, Benches, Sofas, and Ottomans are now available in the US exclusively through Hightower.

Scottish product designer Nick Ross shared that Proto’s inspiration came from taking the idea of dwelling back to archaic associations and that the instinctive seating collection was designed “to create a feeling of a primal place, for instance, tucking yourself into a corner or, for bigger spaces, fostering an intimacy that often gets lost today.” Ross added, “Proto can create a habitat of safety in places where you may feel vulnerable, needing a safe corner in a landscape of uncertainty.” 

Arranged as a group and viewed from above, sculptural Proto appears as a whimsical drawing with unique lines; armrest ‘wings’ are directed inward, outward, and mixed. Finish work for Proto is done by Hightower craftspeople in North Carolina and includes the highlighting of outer seams – an infrequent application but an intentional detail giving the series a distinctly tailored element.
Proto seating includes a Lowback Chair, a Highback Chair, Sofa, Pouf, and Bench. Armrest wings vary outward or inward-facing for the chair and sofa designs. Proto is available in North American exclusively through Hightower. 

Proto arm rest wings are available inward or outward facing