The workplace is a tool to attract and retain good people. Here's how you can take advantage of it.
Clean, Minimalistic, Open: A Look Inside Humanscale's New HQ
Unlike its former headquarters on Washington Square Park, the new headquarters also was designed as a living showroom, a place where customers could come and see Humanscale products in action.
Can technology help fix remote working?
Corporate Headquarters: From the Inside Out
Watch: A Living Institute for Well Building
Gensler partnered with Delos to create a fully connected environment focused on measuring human wellness.
The Surprising Reason Why an Open Office Space May Not Be Great for Your Company
The arrangement of furniture and cubicles within an office can influence productivity in complex ways, depending on a company’s culture and the nature of its work. No one design fits all companies.
Why landlords are raising their game on office amenities
Basement gyms and 9-5 cafés alone no longer have the same pull factor for companies looking for office space that they had 10 years ago.
Talent Search: It’s all about a great employee experience
The heart of office: The kitchen’s crucial role in workplace wellness and productivity
How designing space for mindful eating can create lasting benefits for office culture and creativity.
Going Beyond the Open Plan Office
Agile and MEMO spaces are designated spaces designed to spur innovation, present opportunities to coworking operators.
Spaces for collaboration are vital, but it's time to focus on the individual
Individual-focused work can be game a game changer in the wellbeing of the workplace, according to new research by Boss Design.
Coworking: What's Right for your Brand
Major shifts in demographics and thinking around the workplace have pushed the placemaking agenda to the forefront.
Your coworker with the annoying sit-stand desk may be onto something
To sit or stand? It’s the great debate of modern office drones. A new, yearlong study about the ergonomics of work suggests you might want to do both.
Biophilic design is so much more than plants
Whilst Biophilic Design has only been used in mainstream design for the past few years, the term biophilia was coined by Edward O. Wilson back in 1984 as the “innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes.”
How creating the new Workplace will help create the new Store!
5 Facts About Remote Work and Millennials
The World Economic Forum found that flexibility in the workplace, such as telecommuting, has led to a significant transformation in workplace.
Agencies turn to WeWork for cost savings and cultural perks
The 8-year-old WeWork that rents shared workplaces is becoming an attractive option for ad agencies looking for new space to expand to.
Apple, Starbucks Have an Answer for the Tight Job Market: Hand Out Stock
There is evidence that offering lower-level workers a modest amount of restricted stock is good for the bottom line because it generates loyalty.
A day in the life of an ‘agile worker’
As companies seek to gain efficiencies in the workplace, provide choice for employees, and attract and retain talent, strategies involving agile working and free-address have gained traction.