DAP Studio designed the new offices of international financial company GFT, located in Milan, Italy.
What could be the appearance of an office that carries out intangible asset? How could be a workplace where fixed workstations are no more binding, where you could change every day your desk or you could even work seated on an armchair, drinking a cup of tea? What if, instead of excluding urban life from the workplace, we could transform it into the very paradigm of work experience?
The project for the GFT Headquarter in Milan wants to shape this paradox: to design an office for a company who works with the immaterial world of Information Technology, taking inspiration from the greatest material invention of man: the city. We designed a working place where human relations and knowledge can move along “streets” and “squares”, where people can discuss in cosy lounges or share opinions in front of a long dining table. Thus the open space of an ordinary office building becomes a new urban landscape, the theatre of a new way of understanding work. The space organisation is fluid and non-hierarchical and facilitates interpersonal relationships and exchange of information.