3 Workplace Trends Millennials Are Eliminating in 2017

The American workforce has never been more diverse, with generations spanning from Baby Boomers to Gen Xers and beyond. In recent years, however, Millennials (adults ages 19 to 35) have driven the biggest transformation in workplace dynamics. Experts and studies, for instance, tout how the Millennial generation is more collaborative than others and has a strong preference for remote work options. Additionally, Millennial workers are more connected and prefer to use technology to interact and get work done.

Why do these insights matter more now than ever before? According to an analysis from Pew Research Center, more than 30 percent of American workers today are Millennials. They recently surpassed Generation X in becoming the largest share of the American workforce. As more Baby Boomers retire, more and more Millennials will be stepping up to fill management roles.

With Millennials moving into leadership positions, and an even younger generation (Generation Z) preparing to enter the workforce, we predict there will be significant changes in office dynamics and operations starting in 2017, and lasting well into the coming years.

Via inc.com >