The Wearable Foreseeable Future of the Workplace

As augmented reality and virtual reality technology advance, AR and VR headsets are, or will soon be, entering the workplace.

Enterprises are scrambling to establish a competitive edge through the use of these glasses, goggles, and phone carriers, and pilots are rolling out globally in factories, construction sites, hospitals, and offices.

There are two major takeaways from these early pilots. First, employees critically value the comfort and wearability of headsets. If they’re too heavy, too hot, or an impediment to the user’s normal behavior, users simply will not use them. Second, user interaction with the headsets through head motion, hand gestures, and voice is inadequate.

So how about the eyes? Up until now, the only methods of interacting with information or controlling objects with your eyes was based on staring and waiting (dwelling) or winking or blinking to emulate a “mouse click.”

But a new interaction model has been developed — based on the biomechanics of the eye and the eye-brain connections — that enables virtually instantaneous interaction simply by looking.

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