The Panton Chair by Verner Panton is one of Vitra’s most iconic designs. Thanks to innovations in modern plastics technology, the sculptural product is expertly-made today and sold as an affordable piece of classic industrial design.
Swiss family-owned furniture manufacturer, Vitra, knows a thing or two about knock-offs. Their world-class furniture has inspired countless counterfeit designs that claim to provide the same premium quality. In their new global campaign, “The Original Comes from Vitra,” the brand makes it clear that authenticity is key when it comes to continuing its legacy of superior industrial design.
Despite the best efforts of some, there’s truly no copying a classic piece of furniture. That’s why Vitra is making it their mission to bring awareness to customers about the importance of crediting designers properly and why piracy in product design is harmful to both the consumer and creator. As a manufacturer who, for over 80 years, has collaborated with renowned designers and their descendants to create custom new pieces for the industry, Vitra can guarantee high-quality, sustainable and excellent design — three characteristics that copy-cat brands can’t offer.